Writing to Wisdom, Writing to Wonder: A Memoir Workshop
Saturday and Sunday, July 28 and 29, 10am—4pm, $100
Harmony Woods Retreat Center 11507 S Keeney Rd, Spokane, WA 99224
Just as our hearts want to cultivate wisdom, our writing selves aim to speak what matters most. Writing can lead to a greater listening to the dignity of our whole selves and a brave leaping into the unknown, a rich arena to explore insight and the cultivation of wisdom.
There is much to celebrate in a life's journey, and also inevitable loss. Our time together will be a place for the intimacy of both kinds of stories, respecting the safety and privacy of individuals while also supporting one another as writers.
Together we'll use various methods to bring forth a multitude of ideas, themes, and stories from your life and history to mine for writing during this class and in the future. We'll also learn a bit about crafting our words to make them meaningfully connect to others.
Questions or trepidations? Contact Sarah at sarahconover3253@gmail.com, 509 979 3376
Writing pad and pen are necessary; laptops welcome! Bring a bag lunch.